Sunix IPC-P3008
Плата с восемью последовательными портами (RS-232/RS-422/RS-485) для шины PCI/PCI-X
Розница | Опт |
38690 руб. (от 1 до 9 шт.) |
34528 руб. (от 10 до 30 шт.) |
SUNIX Serial Communication Boards family provides an array of PCI Express, PCI, and PCI/104 interfaces to meet your serial port expansion needs. Multi-port Serial Communication Board comes in the selection of 8 ports in choice of RS-232, RS422/485 or 3-in-1 combo with DB9 or DB25 serial connectors and compatible with all major operating systems for industrial applications. The Serial Boards series is best suited for applications where the CPU is able to devote some of its resources to handling computations or to real time applications that require short latency intervals. SUNIX boards offers ""Auto Detect and Switching RS-422/485"" technology, which can automatically detects the state of RS-422 full duplex or RS-485 half duplex and control the data transmitter and receiver wires at the same port without any jumper setting. This design gives users the convenience and hassle free option to change the communication mode settings. SUNIX has also developed a hardware technology called Auto Hardware Direction Control/Carrier Sense (AHDC/CS?), which is to control the direction of signals (ON or OFF) automatically in 2-wire RS-485 mode. This can precisely control the transmitting signals during the start and end of data transmission.
Supports 8 independent RS-232/422 /485 serial ports.
Serial communication speeds up to 921.6Kbps.
SUNIX AHDC/CS? technology for RS-485 2-wire signal direction control.
RS-422 and RS-485 Auto Detect and Switching technology.
Built-in 64 byte hardware FIFO high speed and reliable communications.
Easy to install - no DIP switches or jumpers to set.
Supports DOS, Linux, Microsoft 2000, XP, 2003 and Vista.
Ready for the Intel?and AMD? 32/64-bit CPU and operation system
Bus Interface PCI Ver 3.0 / 2.3 / 2.2
No. of Port 8 ports
Max No. of System Unlimited (only limitation is availability of PCI slots on the system)
BUS 64/32 bit 3.3V/5V PCI and PCI-X 66MHz / 33MHz
Connector Type Mini SCSI 68pin
IRQ Assigned by System
IO Address Assigned by System
FIFO 64 byte (Hardware), 16C750 Compatible
Signals : RS-232: TxD, RxD, RTS, CTS, DTR, DSR, DCD, GND
RS-422: TxD+, TxD-, RxD+, RxD-, GND
4 Wire RS-485: TxD+, TxD-, RxD+, RxD-, GND
2 Wire RS-485: Data+, Data-, GND
Baud rate 75 bps to 921.6 Kbps
Data bit 5,6,7,8
Stop bit 1,1.5,2
Parity None, Even, Odd, Space, Mark
Flow Control XON/XOFF(Software)
ESD Protection Embedded 15 KV ESD Protection
RS-485 Directional SUNIX AHDC/CS? Technology
Select RS-422 / 485 RS-422 / 485 Auto Detect and Switch
Driver Support : Linux 2.4/2.6, Windows 2000/XP (32-64bit) /2003 (32-64bit) /Vista (32bit), DOS
Operating Temperature 0 to 70 ?
Operating Humidity 5% to 95% RH
Storage Temperature -40 to 85 ?
Connection Cable : Mini SCSI 68pin to DB9 Male (8 ports) 40/100cm
Dimensions : 63.5*120mm (Low Profile & Standard)
Доставка и оплата
Доставка по Москве и МО 450 руб., при заказе на сумму от 40 000 руб., доставка бесплатно
Доставка по России осуществляется транспортной компанией DPD или другой по выбору покупателя.
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Пожалуйста, заранее предупредите нас о визите по номеру телефона: 8 800 555 35-35
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