Sunix IPC-P2102SI
Промышленная мультипортовая плата с двумя последовательными портами (RS-422/RS485) с гальванической изоляцией для шины PCI
Розница | Опт |
по запросу |
3 руб. (от 20 до 60 шт.) |
SUNIX IPC-P2102SI, industrial standard universal PCI serial communication card, allows users to expand two RS-422/485 ports on PC-based system. Each serial port achieves data rates up to 921.6 Kbps and utilizes 16C950 UART with an on-chip 128-bytes hardware FIFO buffer for reliable, high-speed serial I/O. With SUNIX patented Auto-Switching RS-422/485 and RS-485 AHDCTM technology, user can easily manage different serial interfaces selection and RS-485 signal direction control. Under RS-485 mode, the board can connect up to 31 daisy-chained RS-485 devices within a range of 1.2 km.
SUNIX IPC-P2102SI uses on-board 2500V optical isolators which achieve on power and serial signal lines to protect your PC and equipment against damages from ground loops, increasing system reliability in harsh environments. To further increase reliability, this board offers 500W surge protection technology, protecting your system from abrupt high voltage surges, such as those caused by lightning. SUNIX serial board supports a wide variety of operating systems, including Windows, Linux, DOS, and UNIX. It is the best serial communicating solution for industrial and harsh environment applications.
Expands 2 independent RS-422/485 serial ports with communication speeds up to 921.6Kbps
High reliability SUN1989 16C950 compatible UART controller on-board.
Compliance with PCI 33MHz Ver 3.0, 2.3, 2.2 & 2.1 specifications
Supports both 64-bit & 32-bit PCI bus slot and 3.3V & 5V power
RS-422/485 auto detect and switching technology ? jumper and software free
AHDC/CSTM technology for collision free communication
2.5 KV Isolation Protection for all signal and power
Circuit Damage Protection of 600W Peak Per IEC 61000-4-5
Ultra low power consumption design for Green Environment.
Built-in 15KV ESD protection for all serial signals meets IEC1000-4-2 standard.
Plug-n-Play, I/O address and IRQ assigned by BIOS
Certified by CE, FCC, RoHS, and Microsoft WQHL approval
Support Microsoft Windows, Linux, and DOS
Interface RS-422/485
Controller SUNIX SUN1989 (16C950 UART Compatible)
Bus Universal PCI 64/32bit 3.3V/5V PCI Ver 3.0, 2.3, 2.2, 2.1
No. of Port 2-port
IRQ & IO Assigned by System
FIFO 128 byte (Hardware)
Signals : RS-422: TxD+, TxD-, RxD+, RxD-, GND
4-wire RS-485: TxD+, TxD-, RxD+, RxD-, GND
2-wire RS-485: Data+, Data-, GND
Baud rate 50 bps to 921.6 Kbps
Data bit 5,6,7,8
Stop bit 1,1.5,2
Parity None, Even, Odd, Space, Mark
Flow Control Xon/Xoff (software)
Protection 15KV ESD protection (HBM); 15KV IEC1000-4-2 Air Gap Discharge; 8KV IEC1000-4-2 Contact Discharge
Surge Protection Circuit Damage Protection of 600W Peak Per IEC 61000-4-5
Isolation 2.5 KV Isolation Protection for all signal and power
Microsoft Client : Windows XP/Vista/7 (X86/X64)
Microsoft Server : Windows 2000/2003/2008 (X86/X64)
Microsoft Embedded : Windows CE5.0/6.0/XP Embedded/POS Ready 2009/Embedded System 2009
Linux : Linux 2.4.x / 2.6.x
Operation Temperature 0 to 70°C (32 to 158°F)
Operation Humidity 5 to 95% RH
Storage Temperature -20 to 85°C (-4 to 185°F)
PCB Dimension 120 x 82 mm
Bracket Standard 121 mm
Доставка и оплата
Доставка по Москве и МО 450 руб., при заказе на сумму от 40 000 руб., доставка бесплатно
Доставка по России осуществляется транспортной компанией DPD или другой по выбору покупателя.
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Адрес самовывоза: Москва, Зеленоград, Георгиевский проспект д.5 стр.2 (АО "Субмикрон")
Пожалуйста, заранее предупредите нас о визите по номеру телефона: 8 800 555 35-35
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